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Clasificación JI 800 BAK
Autor(es) Baker, E.D.
Título(s) Dragon´s Breath
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Resumen . Emma and Eadric have no sooner turned back into humans (from being frogs) than Emma's mother is in a panic, Aunt Grassina is distracted because she' s found her true love turned into an otter, and Emma' s magic is so out of control she sends herself to the dungeon by mistake. The neighboring kingdom has chosen this moment to attack, and if Emma can' t get Grassina' s mind back on protecting the kingdom, life as they know it in Greater Greensward will be in peril. From underwater sea monsters to fire-breathing dragons, this witty pair of young friends manages to sweet-talk, cajole, and race their way to victory. But when it looks as if everything will finally work out, disaster strikes, and Emma finds that magic is not enough - it takes real bravery and a strong, new friendship to succeed.
Descripción 292 p.


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