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Clasificación JI 800 CLA
Autor(es) Clark, Patricia
Título(s) Weetamoo. Heart of the Pocassets
Lugar de Edición
Fecha de edición

New York

Notas Nueva DONACIÓN
Resumen . He (Father) laid his hand gently on my shoulder and told me that if I, Weetamoo, am to become sachem of us Pocassets after him, and prove a good leader, I must learn to walk more carefully through the world. I shook my hair out of my eyes and stared up at him in surprise. I said he surely could not mean that I was poor at tracking game or at passing unseen through the woods. He knows I can follow almost any trail, and he has seen for himself how I can edge my way near enough to a doe and her pair of speckled fawns to hear their three separate breaths. Did he not teach me all thes skills himself, I spluttered, and was I not better at it than any boy or girl in our village?
Descripción 203 p.


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