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Clasificación JI 800 BAG
Autor(es) Baglio, Ben M.
Título(s) Dolphin in the Deep
Lugar de Edición
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New York

Notas Libro usado en excelentes condiciones DONACIÓN
Resumen . At Animal Ark, Mandy Hope helps her parents treat animals of all shapes and sizes. Even outside the clinic, Mandy can' t resist helping any animal in need. \Mandy' s been spending a lot of her Florida vacation at the local animal park, playing with two tame dolphins, Bob and Bing. The dolphins are happy performing together - but when Bob dies, Bing is miserable without his best friend. Mandy and her friend Joel are worried about Bing' s future, until they come up with a daring plan. \Can Mandy and Joel help the lonely dolphin, before it' s too late?
Descripción 130 p.


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