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Clasificación E6 KAT
Autor(es) Katschke, Judy
Título(s) The case of the Creepy Castle
Lugar de Edición
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Parachute Press

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Resumen The new Adventures of Mary-Kate & Aschley How scary is this: It was Halloween, and Ashley and I didn't have a mystery to solve! Yikes! But things were about to get even scarier.\\Great-grandma Olive took us and our friends to a fun house called Creepy Castle. Before we could say boo! we were surrounded by werewolves, vampires--even a suit of armor that walked around all by itself!\\And then our friends started to disappear, one by one! Soon Ashley and I were the only two left. If we didn't crack this case fast, the next visitors to vanish would be us!\\Show More \Show Less
Descripción 85 p.


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