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Clasificación 570 RED
Autor(es) Redding, Kelly
Título(s) Biology with Vernier
Lugar de Edición
Fecha de edición


Notas Libro usado en excelentes condiciones DONACIÓN
Resumen Biology with Vernier has 31 experiments in cell respiration, photosynthesis, membrane diffusion, osmosis, human physiology, transpiration, fermentation, and other important biology concepts. The complete table of contents is shown on the right. Experiments are included for 12 Vernier biology sensors. This book supports seven AP* Biology lab activities. Each Vernier Lab Book includes: * Complete student experiments with materials list, step-by-step instructions, data tables, and questions. * Teacher Information section for each experiment with complete directions for setting up experiments, helpful hints, and sample graphs and data. * Word-processing files of the student sections on a CD so that any experiment may be easily edited to your specifications (Microsoft Word for Macintosh and Windows files). * CD includes instructions to perform the experiments on every supported platform: o Computer o LabQuest in Stand-Alone Mode o Calculator (EasyData and Datamate) o Palm® Handheld
Descripción 300 p.


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