Colegio Alemán de Santiago
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades


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Clasificación E5 BRU
Autor(es) Bruna, Dick
Título(s) Miffy´s Birthday
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Resumen . ; 1 Biography\Ian Falconer is the author and illustrator of all the titles in the bestselling Olivia series: Olivia, Olivia Saves the Circus,Olivia...and the Missing Toy, and Olivia Forms a Band. His illustrations have also graced many covers of the New Yorker. In addition, he has designed sets and costumes for the New York City Ballet, the San Francisco Opera, and the Royal Opera House (Covent Garden), among others. Mr. Falconer lives in New York City. It's Miffy's birthday, she has presents, a party and a special gift from Gran and Grandpa. The story helps the young child learn colours, shapes and numbers.
Descripción 24 p.


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