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Clasificación E6 GRI
Autor(es) Grindley, Sally
Título(s) The Best Present Ever
Lugar de Edición
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Cambridge University Press

Notas Libro usado en excelentes condiciones DONACIÓN
Resumen . The Best Present Ever is a charming short story which focuses on the huge significance that children attach to 'fitting in' to their peer group, and captures perfectly the excitements and disappointments of childhood. The Best Present Ever has black and white illustrations, helping to make the book accessible and attractive to its target readership. The Best Present Ever is one of thirteen books that make up Independent Reading Level A, for children in Year 3/Primary 4. This phase of Cambridge Reading aims to extend children's experience of fiction and motivate them to enjoy reading. The Best Present Ever provides children with a good introduction to the short story form and will help to improve their independence as readers.
Descripción 32 p.


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