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Clasificación E7 BRO
Autor(es) Brown, Richard
Título(s) Whisked Away: Poems for More Than One Voice
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Cambridge University Press

Notas Libro usado en excelentes condiciones DONACIÓN
Resumen . Whisked Away is a compelling collection of new poems, written especially for more than one voice. Read aloud, these poems become conversations, chants, demands and spoken thoughts. Strange stories come alive with drama and atmosphere. Notes at the back give practical guidance - on volume, pace, actions and sound effects - ensuring that you get the most out of every poem...and every poem gets the most out of you! Whisked Away is one of eleven books that make up Extended Reading Level B, for children in Year 6/Primary 7. This phase of Cambridge Reading aims to develop children's knowledge about language, its vocabulary, forms, structures and styles
Descripción 46 p.


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