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Clasificación E6 KAT
Autor(es) Katschke, Judy
Título(s) The case of the Flapper ´Napper
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Parachute Press

Notas Libro usado en excelentes condiciones DONACIÓN
Resumen The new Adventures of Mary-Kate & Aschley Talk about style! Ashley and I were invited to a cool costume party at the house of a famous mystery writer, Fiona O'Leary. We couldn't wait to hit the ballroom for the big 1920s dance contest.\\The whole flap started when Fiona's adored cat disappeared. And everyone thought our dog Clue dunnit! Ashley and I were sure our pooch was framed. But we'd have to prove it -- or Olsen and Olsen could end up Clue-less!
Descripción 84 p.


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