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Clasificación JI 800 RHU
Autor(es) Rhue, Morton
Título(s) The Wave
Lugar de Edición
Fecha de edición

Oxford University Press

Notas Libro usado en condición satisfactoria. DONACIÓN ALEMANA
Resumen Morton Rhue: The Wave\Review by Joachim Klein \Ben Ross, history teacher at Gordon High School, teaches the Second World War and the holocaust. When his pupils ask him why the majority of the Germans didn't do anything he has no answer. So he starts an experiment with his class: He drills his pupils for discipline and requires them to stand up and shout the answer each time they respond to a question. His pupils like this kind of lesson and Ross sets up further rules, which have to be strictly obeyed. Then he founds The Wave, an organization with an own salute, badge and monitors, who have to ensure the obedience of the rules. The Wave is no longer restricted to his history class, more and more pupils join it instead. Slowly he looses control on this experiment and The Wave begins to develop it's own life. Pupils not wanting to join are harassed, fear spreads and critics are attacked. Laurie Saunders, a pupil in Mr. Ross' history class and editor-in-chief of the school's newspaper, liked The Wave at the beginning, but now it has become scary. She tries to warn her friends, but they don't care. \his book is especially interresting because it tells a true story: It happened in a high school in Palo Alto, Californa. \My opinion\The author is able to show the group pressure, which forces the pupils to give up their individuality without questioning, in an impressive way. He shows that there not much is necessary to establish such structures and steal normal people their liberty. The excuse It's over, it can't happen today is proven wrong after the lecture of this book.
Descripción 109 p.


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