Colegio Alemán de Santiago
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Clasificación E6 WIL
Autor(es) Wilde, Oscar
Título(s) The Happy Prince
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Mm Publications
Estados Unidos

Notas Compra LMB 2017
Resumen mm publications Graded Readers provide learners from Beginner to Upper-Intermediate level with enjoyable reading material, while helping them to develop a variety of language skills. Delightful characters and exciting adventures provide the inspiration for our classic and contemporary stories. The stories have been carefully graded for each level according to vocabulary, grammatical structures, sentence length and plot complexity so as to ensure that the students' understanding of the story is not impeded. Each story consists of 10 - 13 chapters. Wonderful full-colour illustrations, closely integrated with the text, stimulate learners and facilitate understanding.
Descripción 31 p.


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