Colegio Alemán de Santiago
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades
Clasificación JI 800 HEA II
Autor(es) Hearn, Lian
Título(s) Grass for His Pillow 2 (Tales of Otori )
Lugar de Edición
Fecha de edición

Resumen Tales of the Otori ; 2 Lian Hearn\Lian Hearn (pseudónimo de Gillian Rubinstein) es autora de varias novelas infantiles que han ganado importantes premios. Su obra ha sido publicada en todo el mundo. Estudió lenguas modernas en la Universidad de Oxford y trabajó como comentarista de películas y redactora en Londres, antes de establecerse definitivamente en Australia. Su profundo interés por Japón la llevó a estudiar la lengua japonesa, a viajar a aquel país en numerosas ocasiones y, finalmente, a escribir la trilogía “Leyendas de los Otori”.\¡Entra en! \Títulos publicados por la editorial\- El suelo del ruiseñor (Leyendas de los Otori I)\- Con la hierba de almohada (Leyendas de los Otori II)\- El brillo de la Luna (Leyendas de los Otori III)\- El lamento de la garza (Leyendas de los Otori IV)\- La red del cielo es amplia (Leyendas de los Otori V) The pseudonymous Hearn's second thrilling installment of her Tales of the Otori trilogy (after 2002's Across the Nightingale Floor) is once again set in a magic-haunted version of medieval Japan where no one wields unchallenged authority and no one is safe. The swirl of treacherous, shifting clan alliances threatens to overwhelm young lovers and aristocrats Takeo and Kaede. Separated throughout most of the action, the two must develop their talents while trying to maintain their integrity. Takeo possesses superhuman gifts such as the ability to become invisible, project a double image of himself and hear distant conversations; however, he must discipline his skills and control his impetuous temper. He also must work out his relationship with the Tribe, a treacherous secret organization of spies and assassins that saved his life but that may have murdered his father. Kaede, meanwhile, has to escape the powerless role of a woman if she is to protect herself and her family domain from predatory neighbors. Adept at creating vivid natural settings where the supernatural feels unusually plausible, Hearn catches fresh details of trees, birds, rivers and mountains. With quick, direct sentences like brushstrokes on a Japanese scroll, she suggests vast and mysterious landscapes full of both menace and wonder. Hearn shows that middle novels of trilogies don't have to simply fill space between an exciting opening and conclusion
Descripción 333 p.


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