Colegio Alemán de Santiago
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades
Clasificación JI 800 CAN
Autor(es) Canfield, Jack
Título(s) Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul:The real Deal
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New York
Notas Libro usado en excelentes condiciones DONACIÓN
Resumen School. It' s frustrating. It' s boring. It' s embarrassing. But it' s also thought provoking, challenging and full of possible friends. And until you turn 18, like it or not, it' s just about your whole life. \School is more than classes and tests. It's also a social scene, filled with cliques, clubs and life-changing decicions. It' s where you meet your best friends...and your worst enemies. And it's an opportunity to do what you want - whether it' s kick a soccer ball, play the trombone or act in a play.\Somethimes it' s overwhelming and confusing, but don't worry, it' s like that for everyone. That' s what the stories in this book are all about. They' re from real teens, and they' re about the bizarre, embarrasssing and triumphant things that really happened to them. Put that together with weird facts, cool graphics, fun advice and quizzes designed to help you figure out who you are and what you' re up to, and you' ve got the real deal on everything that goes down at your school...and outside of it, too.
Descripción 292 p.


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