Colegio Alemán de Santiago
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Clasificación 306 LAT 2018
Autor(es) Latz, Wolfgang
Título(s) Diercke Praxis Activity Book 2
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Resumen I Agricultural production 40 The field of tension between nutrition and food provision for a growing world population Introduction to the topic Agriculture in the tropics - the basis for an adequate supply of food for a growing global population? 10 Subsistence farming in the tropics - a centuries-old tradition The milpa-solar system in Yucatan, Mexico - a tradition with a promising future? 12 Plantation farming in the tropics - producing for the global market Banana cultivation in Colombia - who profits? 14 Conflicts resulting from the expansion of large-scale monocultures Soybean cultivation in Argentina - economic success with side effects? 16 Farmland in the tropics - scarce and coveted Land grabbing as a contribution to food security? 18 The rise of genetic engineering Increasing yields through genetic engineering - a reasonable and effective approach? 20 The changing structure of US agriculture From family farm to large-scale agroindustrial operation 22 Irrigation farming as the trigger for far-reaching structural processes in agriculture - the Great Plains (USA) 24 Increasing agricultural productivity by specialisation and intensification? Industrial poultry production on the rise 26 The agricultural industry alters regions - the Oldenburger Münsterland 28 Greenhouse cultivation in the Netherlands 30 Intensification in the oceans as well? Can aquacultures contribute to food security? The example of salmon breeding in Norway 32 Agribusiness or small-scale farming operations? Who ensures food security for humanity? 34 8 II Economic regions in transition Contributing factors and consequences Introduction to the topic The changing economy Spatial and structural change in old industrial regions The Ruhr region - a coal and steel district in transition CentrO in Oberhausen - an example of successful structural change? Location factors and decisions regarding location Agonising choices The secondary sector - innovative and global The German textile industry - ensuring viability through innovation Volkswagen, a global player - building a future with new production sites? Clusters - hotspots of innovation Silicon Valley - a high-tech location with a bright future? Tertiarisation of the economy The Frankfurt am Main region - a centre of the service sector Introduction to the topic Countries and regions in global competition Special economic zones for the promotion of economic growth The free trade zone in Shanghai (China) Specialisation in specific industries Hyderabad (India): an IT location Strategies employed to influence trade Free trade and protectionism Topic overview The essentials in brief SKILL CHECK EXAMINATION TRAINING The changing automobile industry - the example of the USA Topic overview The essentials in brief SKILL CHECK EXAMINATION TRAINING Is agribusiness economically and ecologically sustainable? The example of tomato cultivation in California 38 Ill Population development and migration_____________________________70 Causes of spatial problems Introduction to the topic Migration on a global scale 72 Crossing borders - international migration The causes of migration 74 Immigration - always in search of work 76 Emigration - migration as an opportunity for development 78 The borders of Europe 80 Global population growth More and more people every day 82 A model of population development 84 Ageing and shrinking populations - demographic change in industrialised countries 86 Growth - demographic changes in developing countries 88 Topic overview The essentials in brief 90 SKILL CHECK 91 IV Global disparities______________________92 The challenge of unequal regional development Introduction to the topic Global development - global disparities 94 Comparing levels of development Economic indicators 96 Social and multidimensional indicators 98 Underdeveloped countries, fast-developing countries, countries of the South - differences 100 Different countries - different preconditions for development A Sahel nation with a colonial heritage - Mali 102 Mineral resources as a potential stimulus for development - Chile 104 Extreme disparities within national borders Fragmentation in India 106 Causes of underdevelopment Different theories - different answers 108 Balancing global disparities Strategies and ideas for development cooperation 110 “Development from below” Microcredits for the rural poor - Bangladesh 112 Development through industrialisation Expending the secondary sector - South Korea 114 Tourism as a development driver in a developing country An island becomes a tourist destination - Phuket (Thailand) 116 The conflict between mass tourism and sustainable tourism 118 Balancing regional disparities Driving growth by promoting regional economic development - China 120 Model approaches to promoting regional growth 122 Topic overview The essentials in brief 124 SKILL CHECK 125 EXAMINATION TRAINING Causes of underdevelopment - the example of Niger 126 V Towns and cities as complex settlement areas_________________________ 128 Between tradition and progress Introduction to the topic Towns and cities - historical legacy and present-day living space 130 Historical-genetic town development in Europe Cologne - of supra-regional importance for 2000 years 132 Cologne - rising from the ruins 134 Functional structure of towns and cities in Central Europe Cologne - one city, many functions 136 Social-spatial structure of towns and cities in Central Europe Boomtown Munich 138 Models of urban development in Germany Urban models of the Chicago School - are they applicable to Germany? 140 The central business district as a focal point for services In Bremen’s inner city 142 Urban tourism as an economic factor Hamburg as a travel destination 144 Urban development in North America The history of settlement in North America 146 Functional differentiation and suburbanisation - Chicago 148 Ethnic and social segregation - Los Angeles 150 Topic overview The essentials in brief 152 SKILL CHECK 153 EXAMINATION TRAINING Historical-genetic development and functional transformation of cities - the example of Regensburg 154 VI Metropolisation and marginalisation_____156 Unavoidable processes in the context of worldwide urbanisation? Introduction to the topic The world of cities 158 Causes of the growth of megacities The pull of cities - China 160 Primate cities - predominance in all fields Unipolar orientation in South Korea - the Seoul Metropolitan Area 162 Marginalisation in megacities Fragmentation - slum districts and gated communities in Buenos Aires 164 Megacities - with high vulnerability Threats from natural and anthropogenic dangers - Tokyo 166 Solution strategies in megacities and metropolises The fields of action of traffic, emissions and marginalisation 168 Topic overview The essentials in brief 170 SKILL CHECK 171 EXAMINATION TRAINING Problems of megacities - the example of Lagos (Nigeria) 172
Descripción 231 p.


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